Tuesday, August 24, 2010


3 miles (walking) with Husband and Dog

I've always been thin and I could always eat whatever I wanted (thanks youth and fast metabolism!). I've always been active in sports- softball, volleyball, track, cross country- throughout most of my pre-20 life. My first foray into long distance running was to impress a boy. He ran and so I joined the Cross Country team hoping our mutual adoration of the sport would bring us together. Although it's hard to impress anyone after a 5k (3.1 miles) race through the woods when the only thing you yearn for more than said boy is a long, hot shower. In addition to hooking myself a future husband (going on 13 wonderful years), I also discovered a love for running. Cross Country was so different than track. No running around in circles, no leaping over hurdles, or passing batons. No starting blocks. Cross Country was open fields and thin wooded trails, about setting a pace, getting in a groove, and just rolling with it.

I've stayed a runner. It's been my anti-depressant, my cure for writers block, my insomnia solution, a time to think and reflect, my alone time. Before we had kids, the husband and I would run together. Between not completely unsexy panting, we would talk about our days and how we would spend our nights. After the kids came along, we supported each other and he urged me to get out from under toddlers and diapers and laundry and just go run. The only other thing I've found more therapeutic is writing.

This year I turn 34. I've been a runner for more than 15 years. The longest distance I've ever ran is 6 miles, which was 3 years ago. My distance varies each day according to how I feel, but the farthest I usually go is 3 miles. I would like to complete a marathon before I'm 40. I believe it's a goal that many people say they have, but few ever actually get up, go out, and do. I want to do something for me. Something that does not revolve around my children or my husband. I love them dearly and it's not that I want to run away, I just want to run.

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